About Us
Marc Georgi, MD (Marwan S. Abougergi, MD)

Marwan S. Abougergi, MD/Marc Georgi, MD served as an instructor of medicine at Johns Hopkins school of medicine from 2007 to 2009 and as assistant professor of medicine between 2009-2010 before joining the Brigham and Women's hospital/Harvard medical school gastroenterology training program. He also was an assistant professor of Medicine at the University of South Carolina in Columbia, SC until 2022 and is now a practcing gastroenterologist at INOVA Health system in Virginia. He is a member of the editorial board of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy, the official publiction of the American Society for Gastrointestinal Endoscopy (ASGE). He is also a reviewer for multiple gastroenterology journals including Gastroenterology, American Journal of Gastroenterology and Digestive Diseases and Sciences. He served on the abstract review committee for the American College of Gastroenterology national meeting in 2019-2021, the World Congress of Gastroenterology/American College of Gastroenterology national meeting in 2017, and the Digestive Disease Week 2022.
Online Catalyst Workshop: Completely online, stream-at-your-own-pace workshop that teaches participants how to acquire, install, and analyze large databases. During the theoretical part, participants acquire the statisitcal knowledge and scientific principles needed to conduct large database analysis research. During the hands-on part, participants practice all the steps involved in setting up the database and data analysis. Participants earn up to 18 AMA PRA Category 1 Continuing Medical Education Credit(s)TM *

Catalyst Medical Consulting, LLC is a consulting firm that specializes in teaching and helping researchers conduct large database analysis research.
Our goal is to provide clinicians and academicians personalized attention to help them produce high quality rigorous research.
Who We are
Catalyst Research Concierge: This service is intended to give you your own private research department. You give us your research question and we will do the legwork for you: we help you determine if your question is answerable using large databases, we choose the database for you, help you design the research project and analyse the data for you. This way you can focus on writing the manuscript. This service is available for corporate clients only

Heather Peluso, DO
Heather Peluso, DO finished her training at the Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine in 2016 then joined the general surgery residency at the University of South Carolina in Greenville. She was involved with basic science research as early as during her undergraduate training. She now has multiple publications, Plenary sessions and oral presentations using large database research.
Research Director
Marc Georgi, MD (publication name: Marwan S. Abougergi, MD) trained in statistics, epidemiology and clinical research design at top ranking institutions including Harvard School of Public Health, Harvard Medical School, Johns Hopkins Blumberg School of Public Health and University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center.
Chief Executive Officer
Associate Research Director
Workshop Coordinator
Heather Peluso, DO is the recipient of the American College of Gastroenterology Obesity Research Award in 2015, the Joseph C. McAlhany, Jr., MD Academic Resident of the Year in 2018 and the Outstanding Resident Research Award in 2019. Her research interest is burn injury and plastic surgery.
We offer two ways to help you take your research to the next level:

Advanced Catalyst Workshop: 2-day workshop that teaches participants advanced topics including how to use NRD, prpensity matching, multiple imputation, survival analysis, kaplan meier curves, etc.... This workshop is also divided into a theoretical and hands-on parts. The Advanced Catalyst Workshop is given in person at multiple locations that run at the same time. Participants earn up to 16 AMA PRA Category 1 Continuing Medical Education Credit(s)TM *