Whether you are a resident looking to add research experience to your CV for the match, a fellow or junior faculty member looking to jump start your research career, a senior faculty member looking to eliminate the constant persuit of funding, or even a clinician looking to contribute to your field, large database analysis research can, should and will change your academic life.
Contact us today and discover how training in epidemiological research like large database analysis research can help you publish high impact rigorous research fast and without the need for funding.
What is large database analysis research?

Produce Relevant Research
No Grants Required
We help you publish,not perish
In the era of major healthcare economics changes, large database analysis research provides much needed data on comparative effectiveness, disease prevelance, national trends and many more topics.
Large database analysis research requires minimal funds since most databases used are available to the public for free or for a small fee.
All you need is your computer and a statistical software package.
Large database analysis research uses already established national databases. Therefore, it eliminates the need for database building, THE most time consuming step in clinical research.

Why large database analysis research?
We help you find the appropriate large database for your research question, install it on your computer, understand its data elements and limitations, and learn to analyse the data using STATA ® .
If you so choose, we can also do all this work for you so that you can concentrate on writing the manuscript.
Exemples of (and links to) some large databases are:
Nationwide Inpatient Sample (NIS) Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results Program (SEER)
National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) United Network of Organ Sharing (UNOS)
National Ambulatory Medical Care Survey (NAMCS) Nationwide Emergency Department Sample (NEDS)
National Surgical Quality Improvement Program (NSQIP) Medicare national claims database

Large database analysis research uses already established databases containing thousands to millions of patients to answer a clinical question. Those large databases are created and maintained by governmental and/or professional agencies and made available to the public for free or for a nominal fee. Data is analyzed using common software packages using standard personal computers. As such, they are gold mines hidden in plain sight.

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